No dia 16 de novembro, os alunos dos 6.º e 8.º anos, do Agrupamento de Escolas de Vila Verde, foram ao Teatro para assistir à peça “The Missing Queen”, levada ao palco na Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde, pelos atores da companhia inglesa Calliope Theatre Company.
Esta atividade, inscrita no Plano Anual de Atividades, teve como principais objetivos: proporcionar aos alunos um ambiente de aprendizagem inovador e estimulante; promover o desenvolvimento das competências comunicativa, intercultural e estratégica; promover a interação com falantes nativos, num contexto criativo, no qual os alunos serão desafiados a serem as estrelas do espetáculo; reconhecer e aplicar vocabulário e referências históricas e culturais, aquando da apresentação da peça e estimular o gosto da aprendizagem da língua inglesa através da arte.
Sublinhámos que os objetivos foram cumpridos e mesmo superados atendendo ao entusiasmo evidenciado pelos alunos que participaram nesta atividade.
Agradecemos a participação e a colaboração de todos, bem como o empenho e interesse evidenciados.
Da nossa parte, foi um gosto poder abrir a porta a uma maneira diferente de aprender Inglês e, no próximo ano, podem contar connosco para irmos ao Teatro outra vez.
O Grupo de Inglês
“It was amazing! Great acting. Kindness costs nothing! It’s good to be the queen!”
Bárbara Soares, 6.º A EBVV
“The funniest part was when Walter gave the presents to the queen, and Bess irritated him, making everyone laugh.”
Gabriela, 6.º B EBVV
“It was very funny and the students were actors too!”
Francisco Peixoto, 6.º F EBVV
“ It was funny and we learned about the importance of working together and respecting everybody.”
Rafael Fernandes, 6.º F EBVV
“The experience of seeing a play in English was amazing, because I had never seen a play in English. It was always in Portuguese and I like to do different things, so I really loved the play, the characters, the place, everything. I was feeling like I was in another country because they were interacting with us.”
Margarida Vieira, 8.º D EBVV
“I really enjoyed this play. It was very funny and interesting to see a play fully in English. I really liked all the characters, but my favorite one was The Queen. She was very clever to make all those riddles. My favorite part was the door riddle. Sir Walter was so smart! Overall, I think this play was amazing and the actors were incredible.”
Francisca Silva, 8.° B EBVV
“My favourite character was Sir Walter! He was always funny during the play and he is a very good actor. I really appreciated Sir Walter’s jokes. I laughed a lot and had great fun!”
Francisco Folia, 8.º F EBVV
“Going to the English theater was a very nice experience and we improved our English skills. The actors interacted with us (students), I enjoyed it a lot.”
Matilde Augusto, 8.º C MEA
“I think the theme was very interesting, the Queen was a very nice character. I would like to repeat the great experience.”
Juliana Cunha, 6.º A MEA
“My name is Tiago and I really enjoyed being on stage next to “Beth”, the lady in waiting to “Queen Elizabeth I.”
Tiago Correia, 6.º D EBVV
“My favourite part was the interaction with the students! The play was very interesting and very easy to understand.”
Carolina Oliveira, 8.º E EBVV
“It was very funny and creative, especially the moments when the actors interacted with the students. It was fabulous! We (students) thank the English teachers for the opportunity to do that activity. Congratulations to Calliope Theater Company!”
Beatriz Vieira, 6.º D MEA